
meet mary elizabeth (m.e.)

Me to You Florals was born out of a simple desire: to love people tangibly.
In April of 2020, as the world seemed to be tilting on its axis, I found myself at home, out of work & wondering, like most people at that time, “What’s next?”.
I had no idea.
But I knew that I loved people, and I loved flowers, & it only seemed natural to somehow find a way to feasibly combine the two. As the months passed & I found myself booking more weddings & events, it became clear that Me to You Florals was no longer a pipe dream, but a reality.
And over the last two years, that reality has given me the gift of celebrating with people, and sometimes mourning, on some of the biggest & most meaningful days of their lives. Because for me, though I am extremely passionate about flowers and design and aesthetics, it’s the people that matter most. The stories, the two lives becoming one, the new babies, new homes, new jobs. Those are things worth celebrating & I feel so thrilled to be even just a small part of those celebrations.
It is my heart’s desire that Me to You Florals not only provides you with stunning arrangements for each & every milestone, but that you walk away feeling loved, seen, & valued.

Photographed by Rebecca Kelly Photography

“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow.”

— Shauna Niequist

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